Share your whereabouts, plans and thoughts with your travel party

Friend Trips

Traveling with Friends

FriendTrips makes it pleasant to coordinate the adventures for travelers in a group. View the group's itinerary or your individual plans or show them both together. Plan the details of an excursion with others in the group or make your own way. Make plans for the group and for others in the group with their permission. Store important documents needed for travel and have them at your fingertips.

FriendTrips manages the itinerary so you can manage the fun!

Your Trip Itinerary

View & Manage your travel itinerary.

Optimized for mobile use.

Easy to enter.

Easy to update.

Easy to follow.

Share Travel With Friends

Traveling with friends is awesome! 

You can coordinate items from your itinerary with theirs for the together time.

You can each have your own unique items in your itineraries.

Share the Experiences

Share your photos with your fellow travelers and others.

Journal your experiences for sharing with each other and for private use.

Keep your travel memories for a lifetime.



A grateful life is a better life.




Turn Everyday Experiences
Into Lasting Happiness

START your Journal 

It's easy, just jot a note when the thought happens.

VIEW your Journal

Are you here to add a journal entry? Right on!

GET  Mobile App

You can journal on the big screen, get the app, or both!

Journaling helps you recognize the blessings you already have.